Ladies and gentlemen, you won’t believe this one—strap in because it seems like we’re living in an upside-down world where peaceful pro-life activists, including an 89-year-old survivor of a communist prison camp, are now facing over a decade in federal prison.
Yep, you heard that right. The Biden administration, with its all-star team of prosecutors, just convicted seven Christian activists for, get this, a conspiracy against rights. And what rights were they supposedly conspiring against? The “right” to end a life in the womb.
Let’s start with the facts, shall we? This group of seven, which includes Chester Gallagher, Heather Idoni, Joel Curry, Justin Phillips, Cal Zastrow, his daughter Eva Zastrow, and the resilient 89-year-old Eva Edl, were found guilty of violating the FACE Act—because apparently, standing outside an abortion clinic and peacefully advocating for the unborn is now a federal crime worthy of over ten years in prison. Edl, who once survived the horrors of a Yugoslavian communist prison camp under dictator Josip Broz Tito, now faces the possibility of spending her final years behind bars in the land of the free.
This is Eva Edl.
She’s 89 years old.
Eva is a survivor of a communist prison camp in Eastern Europe.
She was just sentenced to prison again.
This time in America for protecting unborn children outside a Michigan abortion facility.
Pray for her.
Jailing pro-lifers must end.
— Anna Lulis (@annamlulis) August 21, 2024
The so-called crime? A peaceful demonstration—sorry, “conspiracy”—outside the Northland Family Planning Clinic in Sterling Heights, Michigan. The group called it a “Rescue,” a term that seems fitting for those trying to protect the most vulnerable. But the jury, under the watchful eye of an Obama-appointed judge, didn’t see it that way. It took just over three hours to decide that these folks were, in fact, guilty of infringing on someone else’s rights. Which rights? The “right” to have an abortion. Because nothing says justice like punishing peaceful Christians for trying to save lives.
And let’s not forget about the star witness, Sarah, who broke down in tears over the loss of her child. The government trotted her out, exploiting her pain for all it was worth to sway the jury. They even brought in Caroline Davis, a former pro-lifer who conveniently turned government witness after pleading her felony charge down to a misdemeanor. Talk about a setup!
But the most outrageous part? The fact that this conspiracy against rights charge was originally designed to take on groups like the Klu Klux Klan—violent, terrorizing, hate-fueled groups—not peaceful protesters with rosary beads. Yet here we are, watching the Biden administration twist this law to suit their political agenda, cracking down on anyone who dares to stand up for life.
89-year-old Eva Edl, a death camp survivor targeted by the Biden/Harris DOJ for her pro-life activism, was today found guilty of engaging in a conspiracy against rights and violations of the FACE Act.
Here’s what she told me when I asked her why she engaged in this activism:
— Mary Margaret Olohan (@MaryMargOlohan) August 20, 2024
It seems the real crime here isn’t what these activists did but the fact that they dared to challenge the narrative. They stood up for their beliefs peacefully and prayerfully and now face a punishment that would be more fitting for a hardened criminal. It’s sad that we live in a world where good is called evil and evil is called good. Sometimes, all you can do is stand firm in your faith and keep moving forward.
Immediately after seven Christian pro-lifers were convicted in Detroit of violating the FACE Act and conspiracy against rights, they went outside the courthouse and started singing and praying.
— Leif Le Mahieu (@leif_lemahieu) August 20, 2024