Nikki Haley Goes There On Biden…

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has caused quite a stir with her recent comments regarding President Joe Biden’s age. In an interview on Fox News, Haley stated that she believes Biden, who is 80 years old, is unlikely to live to see the end of his second term, should he win re-election next year. Instead, she suggests that his supporters will have to rely on Vice President Kamala Harris to take over as president.

Haley’s comments have sparked a strong response from the White House, with deputy press secretary Andrew Bates stating, “As you know, we don’t directly respond to campaigns from here. But honestly, I forgot she was running.” Biden himself has previously dismissed concerns about his age, stating that he feels good and took a hard look at it before deciding to run.

Haley, who is 51 and framing her campaign around a “new generation” of leadership, has also proposed that politicians over 75 be required to take a mental competency test. First Lady Jill Biden slammed this proposal as “ridiculous.”

While some Republicans have raised concerns about Biden’s age, others are cautious about pushing the issue too far, given the potential to alienate older voters who tend to be dependable Republican voters. The White House has also been keen to demonstrate that Biden is active and fit, pointing to his rigorous travel schedule and a video announcing his re-election campaign, which shows him jogging in his suit jacket while also not answering whether they think President Biden is fit for office.

Regardless of the political implications, Haley’s comments raise important questions about age and fitness for office. As a nation, we must consider whether there should be limits on how old someone can be to serve as president and what kinds of testing should be required to ensure that they are mentally and physically capable of fulfilling their duties. These are important discussions to have as we look to the future of our country and the kind of leadership we want to see.

NBC News