Calls Grow For Adams To Retire

Well, here we go again. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, everyone’s favorite socialist crusader, is back at it, this time calling for the resignation of Mayor Eric Adams. That’s right, the left-wing darling and leader of the “Squad” wants Adams out, claiming that his administration is too plagued by federal investigations and high-level resignations to function properly. On Wednesday, she took to X (formerly Twitter) to declare, “I do not see how Mayor Adams can continue governing New York City.” Because, of course, she has all the answers.

Let’s be real here. AOC calling for Adams’ resignation is less about the mayor’s actual performance and more about flexing her political muscle. She’s hardly alone either—her socialist buddies like Assemblywoman Emily Gallagher and Councilwoman Tiffany Cabán are all lining up to take a swing at the mayor, pushing for his resignation as though they’ve been waiting for this moment since day one. It seems the chorus calling for Adams to step down is growing, but take a look at the names—they’re all from the far-left faction of the Democratic Party. Apparently, they think New York City would be better off in the hands of… well, who knows? Someone who believes defunding the police and taxing everyone into oblivion is the answer, most likely.

Adams has been under fire ever since federal agents raided the homes and offices of some of his top officials and allies back in early September. Sure, it looks bad—especially when people like former NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban and Schools Chancellor David Banks are caught up in the mix—but so far, there aren’t even any formal charges. Not that this matters to AOC and her socialist cohort. They’ve been more than happy to throw Adams under the bus based on whispers and rumors. Ironically, these are the same people who screech that people charged with actual crimes shouldn’t be held in jail. Yet, here they are calling for the resignation of a mayor who hasn’t been charged with a single thing. Hypocrisy much?

Adams isn’t exactly going quietly either. In a statement, he fired back, noting the double standard: “For anyone who self-righteously claims people charged with serious crimes should not be in jail to now say that the second Black mayor of New York should resign because of rumors and innuendo — without even a single charge being filed — is the height of hypocrisy.” He’s got a point. The same people who demand leniency for criminals are now demanding Adams’ head on a platter over “rumors.”

To be fair, Adams has his fair share of problems. His administration has seen a wave of high-profile resignations in recent weeks, including Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan and Chief Counsel Lisa Zornberg, with more likely to follow. But Adams insists this is all part of the “normal turnaround” after three years in office. Maybe. Or maybe it’s the wear and tear of running a city that’s spiraling under bad policy, worsening crime, and a crumbling economy—but that’s a story for another day.

The real question here is why AOC and her crew are so eager to push Adams out the door. The answer? Power. The socialist wing of the Democratic Party smells blood in the water, and they’re hoping to capitalize on Adams’ struggles to install one of their own. Adams’ moderate stance on certain issues, like crime, has always been a thorn in their side. They want someone who’ll lean even further left—someone who’ll carry their radical agenda to new extremes. New York City is already teetering on the edge, and the last thing it needs is another socialist experiment.

But for now, Adams isn’t backing down. He’s vowing to stay and fight, and who knows? Maybe the mayor of New York has a few more rounds in him. Meanwhile, AOC and her socialist squad will keep throwing punches, hoping something sticks.