Hello everyone. These days, it seems like every social media movement is driven by some ulterior motive. Whether it’s for social, political, or monetary gain, you can bet there’s more than meets the eye. The motives behind these movements often overshadow any claims of being right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy. It’s all about self-interest, and often at the expense of others.
One such surprising movement is the “Obesity Action Coalition” (OAC). You might not have heard of them because, like most of us, you don’t think about creating fake grassroots groups to push questionable agendas.
If you guessed “Big Pharma,” you would be right.
The “Body Positivity” movement is harmful. This isn’t due to a disdain for overweight individuals— I struggle with weight myself. The issue lies in the dangerous message that being obese is healthy when, in reality, it’s anything but. Promoting obesity as healthy is akin to promoting smoking cigarettes. While smoking can cause long-term health issues, morbid obesity can cut a person’s life short much more quickly.
Big Pharma, seeing a profitable opportunity, has jumped on the bandwagon of the Body Positivity movement. Companies like Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly, and Boehringer Ingelheim are funding the OAC. This coalition pushes the idea that obesity is a chronic disease requiring healthcare coverage rather than a preventable condition. This narrative is convenient for these companies because it drives demand for their obesity drugs.
I won’t judge a person by their body. But too much body fat can definitely lead to health issues.
Is the ‘big is beautiful’ mantra pushed/funded by pharmaceutical companies to keep people unhealthy, thus guaranteeing future income from those unhealthy people?
What do you think? pic.twitter.com/GRWRFMxCc0— Paul the Citizen (@PaulCitizen67) October 28, 2022
A report by Baron Public Affairs highlighted the significant contributions these pharmaceutical giants made to the OAC. In 2022, Novo Nordisk, the producer of Ozempic, contributed over $100,000. Pfizer and Eli Lilly also made substantial donations, supporting the narrative that obesity is a chronic condition needing constant medication.
The Obesity Action Coalition has been a primary vehicle for the grassroots movement to accept obesity as the new norm under the banner of “Body Positivity.” The group also gets a third of its funding from the pharmaceutical industry.
Latest in @FDRLST:https://t.co/DryKQF1qJU
— Tristan Justice (@JusticeTristan) June 19, 2024
This situation is troubling. The Body Positivity movement, while seemingly well-intentioned, can have deadly consequences. In the past year alone, several influencers promoting this movement have died prematurely. Yet, the message that you can be “healthy at any size” persists, pushed by influencers, magazines, and activists.
One particularly disturbing example is a social media post where a body positivity influencer attacked another for wanting to lose weight. This kind of rhetoric is harmful and dangerous. Celebrating unhealthy lifestyles and demonizing those who seek to improve their health isn’t just misguided—it’s malicious.
they want you to think, this is how men should look
They want everyone to be overweight.
Overweight and unhealthy people fund big pharma.
If more people were healthy, less people would rely on medicine. pic.twitter.com/5cgvwe29gO
— Coach Raj (@TheCoachRaj) February 29, 2024
We need to push back against these narratives, not out of hatred for any group but out of love and concern for our fellow human beings. Big Pharma’s involvement in these movements is driven by profit, knowing that individuals struggling with obesity will become reliant on their drugs. It’s a vicious cycle, and it’s crucial to recognize and challenge these harmful influences.
Remember, promoting self-destruction is never a path to a healthier society. Let’s fight for the truth and advocate for real health and well-being.
Stay informed and stay healthy, folks.