Well, folks, brace yourselves. Vice President Kamala Harris just dropped a gem that’ll have you scratching your head.
She managed to send a video greeting to a Christian conference, quoting scripture, but here’s the kicker—she didn’t even mention Jesus Christ’s name. That’s right, she’s quoting the Bible like it’s a self-help manual while conveniently leaving out the very core of the message.
In her address to the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Ohio, Harris threw in some classic political pandering, talking about how critical the upcoming election is and encouraging folks to “organize souls to the polls.” Nothing surprising there. But then, she took it up a notch, laying out her vision of government as the savior of, well, pretty much everything—housing, healthcare, childcare.
You name it, the government’s got it. And of course, she’s eager to pay for all of this by raising taxes on businesses and high-income earners. Because apparently, the solution to a $2 trillion deficit is to ask job creators to cough up more cash. Genius, right?
Now, here’s where things go off the rails. After pitching a laundry list of government programs, she whipped out a verse from the Gospel of Luke, claiming faith can “shine a light on those living in darkness” and “guide our feet in the path of peace.” Sounds lovely, except… that’s not what the verse is about.
“In moments such as this, faith guides us forward. Faith in the promise of America: freedom, opportunity, and justice. Not for some, but for all,” Harris added.
She took a prophecy about John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus Christ—you know, the central figure in Christianity—and twisted it into a rallying cry for government intervention. Harris, apparently, is preaching salvation through big government now. Because why bother with the context when you’ve got a political agenda to push?
“And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him, to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace,” Zechariah said in Luke 1.
Let’s be real here. This wasn’t about faith in God. It was about faith in the government’s ability to fulfill America’s “promise” of equality through more spending, more taxes, and more control. If Harris wants to sell that communistic vision, fine. But using scripture out of context to do it? That’s a whole new level of audacity. Maybe next time, she should leave the Bible quotes to people who actually know what they mean.