Walz Sits Down For Taff Interview On ABC6

Kamala Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz, are trying to sell themselves as the new “change agents” in this election, which is pretty hilarious when you think about it.

Harris has been in power for years now, yet she’s trying to convince voters that somehow she’s the one to bring a “new way forward.” But here’s the kicker—if she had all the solutions, why hasn’t she already implemented them? Instead, the problems she’s supposed to solve have only gotten worse under her watch. Inflation is sky-high, illegal immigration is through the roof, and her administration rolled back the border security measures put in place by former President Donald Trump, only to let the chaos unfold. But sure, tell us more about being agents of change.

And what’s Harris’s response when pressed on what she would have done differently from Joe Biden? Nothing. Zero. She couldn’t come up with a single answer when she appeared on The View. Not one. If she can’t even articulate how to improve the situation, how on earth can we trust her to lead this country in a new direction? It’s almost as if she’s just as responsible for the failures we’re seeing today. Oh wait, she is!

Then there’s Tim Walz, her unfortunate sidekick in this mess, tasked with the impossible job of fixing their “guy problem.” It’s no secret that the Harris-Walz ticket isn’t exactly resonating with male voters, so what does Walz do? He kicks off a “Manly Man Tour,” attending football games and pheasant hunts in a desperate attempt to connect with guys. Spoiler alert—it’s not going well.

When asked by ABC6’s Brian Taff why Trump’s message is appealing to men, Walz gave a non-answer about “middle-class policies” and “cost containment.” Translation: he has no idea. It was just a word salad with no substance, no real plan, and certainly no reason for men—especially black men—to support their ticket. Walz even went so far as to suggest that the issue is just a “messaging” problem, not that their policies are fundamentally flawed. Sure, blame the voters for not understanding because that always works.

But perhaps the most stunning moment came when Taff asked the glaring question: how can Harris run as a change candidate when she’s been a key part of the Biden administration? Walz’s response? “That’s not what voters need to be concerned with.” Seriously? So now the American people are just supposed to ignore her track record and pretend it’s not relevant?

Oh, and Walz tells us what to be concerned about—like he has a clue.

It’s almost impressive how they keep fumbling the same questions over and over again. Rather than address the failures of the past few years, they want voters to just trust that they’ll suddenly fix everything. The reality is clear: there’s no change coming from Harris and Walz, just more of the same failed policies. And judging by their answers, they don’t seem too worried about fixing them either.