AOC Gets RIPPED by Twitter After FAKING Being Handcuffed

It is plain to see that Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez loves the spotlight, but there are times in which the precocious progressive may be taking her media obsession a bit too far.

This week was one of those times, as the liberal firebrand found herself arrested during a recent protest of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.  As it turns out, the manner of her arrest wasn’t severe enough for the Congresswoman’s image, and so she simply pretended to have been handcuffed.

Far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was roundly mocked on social media Tuesday after she put her arms behind her back to imitate being handcuffed following her arrest at a pro-abortion demonstration outside the Supreme Court.

The Bronx and Queens Democratic lawmaker was gently escorted away by a Capitol Police officer — along with fellow city Rep. Carolyn Maloney — after blocking traffic outside the court building.

AOC kept up the charade of being restrained for a few steps before raising her fist to supporters watching from the sidewalk. She then crossed her wrists behind her back again in the faux handcuffed position.

Twitter users were brutal after the incident.

The moment is a true reminder of AOC’s place in the American political drama.