Time Publishes Correction After Trump Report

Tuesday night’s presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris served up exactly the kind of viral moments that light up the news cycle—and naturally, the aftermath didn’t disappoint.

But if you’ve been paying attention, it’s as predictable as a broken record: the mainstream media is already in full-on damage control for Harris while unloading their usual barrage of criticism on Trump. Case in point: TIME Magazine jumped at the chance to glorify Harris’s performance while insisting Trump was outshined. Shocking, right?

But here’s where it gets interesting. During the debate, Trump called out Harris for backing taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants—a claim that apparently sent TIME into a fact-checking frenzy. They immediately dismissed it as another “Trump falsehood.” Only one small problem: it wasn’t false. In fact, Harris did support this very thing back in 2019. Oops! TIME had to scramble to issue a correction later that same day.

At the bottom of their article, in tiny print, TIME was forced to admit: “The original version of this story mischaracterized as false Donald Trump’s statement accusing Kamala Harris of supporting ‘transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison.’ As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris filled out a questionnaire saying she supported taxpayer-funded gender transition treatment for detained immigrants.” That’s right, folks—this isn’t some far-right conspiracy theory. This is Harris’s own position on the record.

And let’s be clear: Trump didn’t even dig this up himself. CNN, of all places, put it out there on Monday, two days before the debate. Erin Burnett of “Erin Burnett OutFront” was practically floored when Andrew Kaczynski from CNN’s KFile confirmed Harris’s stance on transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants. “She actually said she supported that?” Burnett asked, visibly stunned in a clip that quickly went viral on X (formerly Twitter).

So let’s recap: CNN reports it on Monday. Trump calls it out on Tuesday. TIME writes it off as a Trump lie on Wednesday—only to issue a “whoops, our bad” correction later that day. This whole thing feels like a bad sitcom. But it’s not just TIME that took a nosedive on this. BET News host and leftist provocateur Marc Lamont Hill also jumped on the anti-Trump bandwagon. Apparently, the man never thought to do a quick Google search before dismissing Trump’s claim. Cue the internet mockery.

Now, to be fair, it’s essential to scrutinize every claim candidates make on the debate stage. But what’s really on display here is the knee-jerk reaction to dismiss anything Trump says purely because it’s Trump saying it. The irony? The more shocking part of this whole debacle is not the remark itself—it’s that it was 100% true.