McCarthy Promises MAJOR Action with Hunter Biden Probe

With Republicans set to take over the House of Representatives in January, there are a number of rather heavy investigations that will be taking place, all at the behest of an American population that is sick and tired of Democrats controlling the national narrative.

Perhaps the most salacious and sought after probe will be that of Hunter Biden, son of the President, who international business dealings are consistently characterized as nothing more than simple influence-peddling operations that are meant to further the Biden family’s tentacles overseas.

This week, Kevin McCarthy made some major promises regarding that potential probe. 

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy said Saturday on FNC’s “One Nation” that he will bring the 51 intel agents that signed a letter that said the Hunter Biden information was Russia collusion to testify at a congressional hearing.

Host Brian Kilmeade asked, “We saw the revelations coming out of Twitter as Elon Musk is unmasking the corruption that existed there and the denials that they testified about. So for you personally you have another move you want to make. Not only do we want to hear from the former executives of Twitter and the other entities, but you have something else you want to say.”

McCarthy said, “Yeah, I do. This is egregious what we are finding. They should not have section 230 to start out with, but we also have to go further. What did Facebook and Google do as well because they became an arm of the Democratic Party and an arm of government.”

And then…

He continued, “Those 51 intel agents that signed a letter that said the Hunter Biden information was all wrong — was Russia collusion — many of them have a security clearance. We are going to bring them before committee. I’m going to have them have a hearing. Why did they sign it? Why did they lie to the American public? A Clapper, a Brennan? Why did you use the reputation that America was able to give to you more information, but use it for a political purpose and lie to the American public?”

Twitter’s arbitrary censorship of the Hunter Biden scandal has been seen by many, including former President Donald Trump, as a form of electoral interference, and has been sharply criticized by Americans on both sides of the aisle.